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Frequently asked questions | Alka

General questions and nutrition (28)

  • Can I also buy Alka® products in a store?

    This depends on where you live. Please contact our costumer service team for more information.

  • My urine pH is good. Can my body still be acidified?

    You can indeed be acidified even though you have a good pH value. When waste products have deposited, you no longer measure them in your urine.

  • What causes acidification?

    Acidification is caused by nutrition, stress, radiation, exhaust fumes, use of medication and excessive exercise.

  • Can you deacidify for a longer period of time?

    Acidification and deacidification is a continuous process. You may therefore permanently deacidify. If the symptoms are better, you can lower the dose to a lower maintenance dose.

  • Do I now have to eat 100% alkaline?

    No, you would develop nutritional deficiencies. During the deacidification process, we recommend to consume 60% alkaline-forming food and 40% acidifying food.

  • Is there a nutritional list where I can see which foods have an acidifying effect?

    The acid / base food list can be found on our website

  • Are there also alkaline recipes?

    Yes, we have alkaline recipes for you. You can find them in the main menu.

  • Can I still drink coffee?

    Yes, you can. When you are deacidifying, you can drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day.

  • Can I no longer consume acidifying food?

    Our body also needs acidifying food. It's about balance. If you are not deacidifying, you should consume 80% alkaline and 20% acidifying food. If you are deacidifying, you can keep this levels at 60% alkaline and 40% acidifying. Make sure to stay as close to nature as possible. Do not eat packets, bags, soda and be moderate with alcohol.

  • Are there any unexpected extra costs?

    At Alka you pay the stated amount. We do not charge shipping costs for orders above €75. A purchase amount lower than € 75? We use shipping costs of € 5.95. In addition, a surcharge of € 1.75 applies to paying via "Klarna, pay afterwards" for this payment method.

  • Do the prices include VAT?

    Yes, all prices stated on the Alka website include VAT.

  • Do I have to keep deacidifying my whole life?

    Acidification is a continuous process. Acidic waste products are created in your body every day. Continuing to deacidify with Alka® therefore offers the optimal counterbalance so that you can maintain good health.

  • Are the products of Alka® products registered as recognized homeopathic or anthroposophical?

    Alka® products do not fall under homeopathic or classical anthroposophical products and are therefore not registered as such.

  • Can my pet also drink alkaline water?

    Your pet may also drink alkaline water. This has the same deacidifying effect as in humans. For dogs and cats we recommend putting 10 Alka® Drops in a stone drinking bowl with (about 500 ml) of water in it, or to use the pHpets drops which we developed specify for pets. Don't forget to change the water in the morning and in the afternoon.

  • What are deacidification symptoms?

    Complaints such as flu, inflammation, fatigue and excessive urination are classified as deacidification symptoms. These arise because the breakdown of waste acids is greater than the body can process in its own way. How long the deacidification symptoms persist depends on the amount of waste acids in the body.

  • Will my order be shipped free of charge?

    We have a flat rate shipment of €4,75 on all orders and FREE shipment above €75

  • Can I order by phone?

    You can order by telephone via telephone number +31 40 30 400 17

  • Are Alka® products reimbursed by my health insurance?

    Our products are classified as dietary supplements and are not reimbursed.

  • Should I use spring water or tap water for Alka® Drops?

    Spring water is often acidic and has a pH value between 6 and 7. You must then add more Alka® drops (6 instead of 4) to increase the pH value to 9 - 10. We recommend that you use tap water. As its pH value is higher than 7. If you add 4 Alka® drops to tap water, this will lead to a pH value between 9 to 10.

  • Can I keep taking or should I stop taking my supplements?

    Supplements can be taken in addition to deacidification.

  • The pH value of my urine is lower after a few weeks of deacidification. How is this possible?

    The pH value of urine is lower because many acids are excreted through urine. Urine will only ideally have a pH of 7 or higher. However, this almost never happens.

  • Are the ingredients of Alka® products on the doping list?

    No, the products are not on the doping list.

  • Why not dissolve baking soda in water and drink it?

    We do not recommend dissolving baking soda in water and drinking it. This is converted in your stomach by the stomach acid into water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and table salt (NaCl). The salt formation can then increase your blood pressure. Alka® products have been specifically developed to counter this undesirable effect.

  • Can I deacidify if I have a stoma?

    For a stoma we recommend Alka® Drops as they have their effect in the stomach, via the stomach wall cells.

  • How does cellulite develop?

    Cellulite develops because of the build-up of acidic slags in the legs / buttocks. By actively deacidifying and building up sufficient minerals again, the waste slags are dissolved after a few months and the skin becomes smoother.

  • How can I support the removal of acids?

    By drinking a few cups of Alka® Tea daily. Herbs have the property of being able to bind acids well, which stimulates drainage. In addition, taking alkaline foot, hand and full body baths with Alka® Bath is very good for removing loosened acids from the body

  • Do I have to watch my diet during deacidification?

    Make sure that you get plenty of minerals and trace elements. Eat plenty of vegetables and take vegetable mineral supplements (Alka® Greens). These minerals will bind with the soaked waste acids.

  • What should I do if I suffer from deacidification symptoms?

    Reduce your dose or build in or rest for 1 to 2 days. For example, drink water and Alka® Tea, but do not use drops. This temporarily slows or stops the active deacidification process and gives the body some rest. After 2 days you can slowly start again with active deacidification. Always adjust the dose according to your feelings.

Alka® Drops (20)

  • What is the difference between Alka® Tabs and Alka® Drops?

    The difference between Alka® Drops and Alka® Tabs is that with Alka® Drops the body itself produces bicarbonate via the stomach wall cells, Alka® Tabs contains bicarbonate that only dissolves in the intestines and is absorbed into the blood via the intestinal wall (so direct versus indirect supply of bicarbonate).

  • Can Alka® Drops also be put in a one litre bottle?

    That is certainly possible, but always drink a full glass from it. When you take a sip each time, not enough bicarbonate is produced by the body. Bicarbonate is the substance that ensures the deacidification.

  • Can I also drink Alka® Drops as a preventive?

    You can drink Alka® Drops to prevent acidification. From the age of 40, your body will make less active bicarbonate, which means that waste products and accumulated acids are removed to a lesser extent. Daily deacidification to prevent acidic waste accumulation is still the best.

  • Should I use spring water or tap water for Alka® Drops?

    Spring water is often acidic and has a pH value between 6 and 7. You should then add more Alka® drops (5 to 6 instead of 4) to increase the pH value to 9 - 10. We recommend tap water as its pH value is higher than 7. If you add 4 Alka® drops to tap water, this will lead to a pH value between 9 to 10.

  • Can I deacidify if I have a stoma?

    If you have a stoma we recommend Alka® Drops as they have their effect in the stomach, via the stomach wall cells.

  • It is recommended to use Alka® Drops on an empty stomach. What is meant by as empty as possible?

    An empty stomach with Alka® Drops means about 20 minutes before a meal or 1½ to 2 hours after a meal.

  • When do I use the combination of Alka® Tabs Calcium and Alka® Drops?

    If you cannot use potassium due to the pursuit of a very constant potassium level (with heart medication), we recommend the Alka® Tabs Calcium in combination with Alka® Drops. In addition, people with osteoporosis or a calcium deficiency can also use the best Alka® Tabs Calcium in combination with Alka® Drops.

  • Can Alka® Drops also be used in other drinks?

    Alka® Drops can also be added to the tea or coffee to slightly increase the quality, so that it makes your body less acidic. This is independent of the amount of glasses of water or Alka® Tea with drops that you should drink daily. You can also heat the water without harming the effect, but as soon as you start mixing it with sugar (lemonade syrup) you will acidify the water again. Pure spring / tap water with Alka® Drops is most effective for your body.

  • Can I combine Alka® Drops with Alka® Tabs?

    Alka® Drops can be combined with Alka® Tabs. Both products have the same goal: deacidification by adding bicarbonate to the body. The difference is that they do this in a different way. Alka® Tabs contains bicarbonate. Alka® Drops ensure that the body itself produces extra bicarbonates. A combination increases the dosage of bicarbonates and accelerates the deacidification process.

  • Is it possible to boil alkaline water? Does it still remain alkaline after cooking?

    Yes, alkaline water with Alka® Drops in it can then be boiled without affecting the pH value.

  • How many drops should I put in my glass?

    4 glasses of water of approximately 250ml with 4 drops daily is the correct dose

  • After some time, a white deposit will appear in my glass when I have added Alka® Drops to the water. How is this possible?

    The white deposit that develops after a while is lime scale (calcium carbonate). This process depends on the calcium content in the water and proceeds as follows: by adding Alka® droplets, present calcium reacts with hydroxide ions (OH-) to form calcium hydroxide (CaOH). Calcium hydroxide then reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air to form calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This forms the white deposit in the glass. Calcium carbonate (lime) is not dangerous, but does not yield much in this form. It does affect the effectiveness as the pH value of the water decreases (OH ions are used in this limescale process). To avoid limescale build-up, keep the basic water closed so that it does not react with CO2 from the air. The fact why this happens more often with some (spring) water than with another is due to the calcium content of the different (spring) waters.

  • Can children also drink water with Alka® Drops?

    Yes, but adjust the dose for children to 2 glasses of water per day containing 4 Alka® drops.

  • Can I use Alka® Drops in (reverse) osmotic or distilled water?

    The answer is yes, but keep the following in mind: (reverse) osmotic water and distilled water is acidic, as this water is so pure that it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. When you add Alka® drops, the carbon dioxide will act as a buffer, so that the pH value of the water hardly rises. You will therefore have to add more Alka® drops to the water to achieve the desired pH value of> 9. With a pH strip you can measure how many drops you need to add to a glass of distilled / osmotic water to reach a desired pH value.

  • Can I also use Brita water (water filtered with a Brita filter) in combination with Alka® Drops?

    The Brita filter also filters many minerals, causing the pH value to be slightly lower. To get Brita water alkaline enough you will have to add 1 or 2 extra drops. If necessary, you can use pH strips to measure how many drops should be added to get the pH value of Brita water around 9. (pH value has a logarithmic scale which means that you have to add more and more drops to increase a pH point. From 6 to 7 is faster than from 7 to 8 and from 8 to 9, and so on).

  • How long can I do with a bottle of Alka® Drops?

    When using 16 drops per day (4 glasses with 4 drops per glass) you will do about 3 months with a bottle of Alka® Drops. There are approximately 1,440 drops in one bottle.

  • Can I use Alka® Drops as is, or should I first discuss this with my doctor?

    In principle you can use Alka® Drops without the advice of your doctor. However, you can always consult your doctor about the use of Alka® products.

  • Are there any negative side effects when using Alka® Drops?

    Some people experience mild detoxification symptoms (tiredness, mild headaches) at first. These detoxification symptoms are a sign that the deacidification is starting. They disappear when most of the waste acids have been neutralized and removed from the body.

  • What is the difference between Alka® Drops and a water ionizer?

    With a water ionizer you can separate tap water by means of electrolysis into acid and alkaline water. You must mount the device to your tap. The problem with a water ionizer is that the obtained pH value is sometimes insufficient for the body to make enough bicarbonate to actively dissolve waste acids (uric acids, cholesterol acids, fatty acids, lactic acids, etc.). With Alka® Drops you can determine the pH value of water yourself by adding more or fewer drops to water.

  • Can I put more than 4 drops in one glass of water?

    You may put more than 4 drops in one glass of water. If you put more drops in a glass of water, the taste may become slightly more bitter due to the high concentration of minerals. In some cases it is advisable to add more drops, for example when the water from the tap is more acidic (pH value around 6 - 6.5).

Alka® Tabs Original (9)

  • What is the difference between Alka® Tabs and Alka® Drops?

    The difference between Alka® Drops and Alka® Tabs is that with Alka® Drops the body itself produces bicarbonate via the stomach wall cells, Alka® Tabs contains bicarbonate that only dissolves in the intestines and is absorbed into the blood via the intestinal wall (so direct versus indirect supply of bicarbonate).

  • Can I use Alka® Tabs as is, or should I first discuss this with the doctor?

    In principle you can use Alka® Tabs without advice from your doctor. However, you can always consult your doctor about using the Alka® products.

  • Should Alka® Tabs tablets be taken on an empty stomach?

    No, you can simply take Alka® Tabs tablets during or after a meal. The gastro-resistant coating around the tablets ensures that they only gradually dissolve in the intestines. This is a very effective and safe way to add bicarbonate to the body. Note: you cannot take Alka® Tabs with basic water (water Alka® Drops) as basic water will affect the coating of Alka® Tabs.

  • What is the difference between Alka® Tabs Originals, Alka® Tabs Calcium and Alka® Tabs Magnesium?

    Alka® Tabs Calcium consists of calcium carbonate in pure form. The tablet dissolves in the intestines and enters the blood through the intestinal wall. There, by reaction with carbonic acid, calcium carbonate is converted into calcium bicarbonate, thereby increasing the alkaline buffers. Pure ionized calcium is also added to the body, which is good for the bones. Alka® Tabs Original is a tablet that already consists of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate. This is directly absorbed into the blood via the intestinal wall. For people who are not allowed to have sodium or potassium, or people who suffer from osteoporosis, Alka® Tabs Calcium is a good choice. Alka® Tabs Magnesium consists of magnesium carbonate in pure form. The tablet dissolves in the intestines and enters the blood through the intestinal wall. There, by reaction with carbonic acid, the magnesium carbonate is converted into magnesium bicarbonate, whereby the basic buffers are increased. Pure ionized magnesium is also added to the body. Alka® Tabs Magnesium is a good choice for stress, muscle complaints or insomnia.

  • Which of the three types of tablets is the best deacidifying agent? Alka® Tabs Original, Alka® Tabs Calcium or Alka® Tabs Magnesium?

    It doesn't matter which shape you choose. The deacidifying effect of all 3 types is the same. The composition is different because some people prefer to get more Calcium or Magnesium. If you would like to know which tablet suits you best, please contact our coaches.

  • Can I combine Alka® Drops with Alka® Tabs?

    Alka® Drops can be combined with Alka® Tabs. Both products have the same goal: deacidification by adding bicarbonate to the body. The difference is that they do this in a different way. Alka® Tabs contains bicarbonate. Alka® Drops ensure that the body itself produces extra bicarbonates. A combination increases the dosage of bicarbonates and accelerates the deacidification process.

  • Are children allowed to take Alka® Tabs Original tablets

    Yes, children from 12 years and older can take one tablet a day.

  • Can I use Alka® Tabs Original permanently or do I need to take a break now and then?

    Acidification and deacidification is a continuous process. You can permanently deacidify. When the symptoms improve, you can keep a lower dose.

  • How does a good combination of Alka® Tabs and Alka® Drops looks like?

    2 or 3 glasses of water with alkaline drops in combination with 2 or 3 tablets of Alka® Tabs is a great way to deacidify your body

Alka® Tabs Calcium (8)

  • What is the difference between Alka® Tabs Calcium, Alka® Tabs Magnesium and Alka® Tabs Original?

    Alka® Tabs Calcium consists of calcium carbonate in pure form. The tablet dissolves in the intestines and enters the blood through the intestinal wall. There, by reaction with carbonic acid, calcium carbonate is converted into calcium bicarbonate, thereby increasing the basic buffers. Pure ionized calcium is also added to the body, which is good for the bones. Alka® Tabs Original is a tablet that already consists of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate. This is directly absorbed into the blood via the intestinal wall. For people who are not allowed to have sodium or potassium, or people who suffer from osteoporosis, Alka® Tabs Calcium is a good choice. Alka® Tabs Magnesium consists of magnesium carbonate in pure form. The tablet dissolves in the intestines and enters the blood through the intestinal wall. There, by reaction with carbonic acid, the magnesium carbonate is converted into magnesium bicarbonate, whereby the basic buffers are increased. Pure ionized magnesium is also added to the body. Alka® Tabs Magnesium is a good choice for stress, muscle complaints or insomnia.

  • Which of the three types of tablets is the best deacidifying agent? Alka® Tabs Calcium, Alka® Tabs Magnesium or Alka® Tabs Original?

    It doesn't matter which shape you choose. The deacidifying effect of all 3 types is the same. The composition is different because some people prefer to get more calcium or more magnesium. If you would like to know which tablet suits you best, please contact our coaches.

  • What makes Alka® Tabs Calcium better than other calcium tablets?

    Alka® Tabs Calcium has a gastro-resistant coating that ensures that calcium carbonate is not already neutralized by the stomach acid. In addition, Alka® Tabs Calcium has a time-dependent release, which means that calcium carbonate dissolves dosed in the intestines. Alka® Tabs Calcium is made up of pure ionized calcium. Many other calcium tablets contain impurities which have a negative effect when they are absorbed into the blood. The purity of a calcium tablet is important for long-term health.

  • Can I use Alka® Tabs Calcium as is, or should I first discuss this with my doctor?

    In principle, you can use Alka® Tabs Calcium without the advice of your doctor. However, you can always consult your doctor about the use of Alka® products.

  • When do I use the combination Alka® Tabs Calcium and Alka® Drops?

    If you cannot use potassium due to the pursuit of a very constant potassium level (with heart medication), we recommend the Alka® Tabs Calcium in combination with Alka® Drops. In addition, people with osteoporosis or a calcium deficiency can also use the best Alka® Tabs Calcium in combination with Alka® Drops.

  • Are children allowed to use Alka® Tabs Calcium?

    Children from 12 years are allowed 1 tablet of Alka® Tabs Calcium per day.

  • Can I use Alka® Tabs Calcium permanently or do I need to take a break now and then?

    Acidification and deacidification is a continuous process. You can permanently deacidify. When the symptoms improve, you can keep a lower dose.

  • how does a good combination of Alka® Tabs Calcium and Alka® Drops looks like?

    2 or 3 glasses of water with alkaline drops in combination with 2 or 3 tablets of Alka® Tabs Calcium is a great way to deacidify your body

Alka® Tabs Magnesium (7)

  • What is the difference between Alka® Tabs Magnesium, Alka® Tabs Calcium and Alka® Tabs Original?

    Alka® Tabs Calcium consists of calcium carbonate in pure form. The tablet dissolves in the intestines and enters the blood through the intestinal wall. There, by reaction with carbonic acid, calcium carbonate is converted into calcium bicarbonate, thereby increasing the basic buffers. Pure ionized calcium is also added to the body, which is good for the bones. Alka® Tabs Original is a tablet that already consists of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate. This is directly absorbed into the blood via the intestinal wall. For people who are not allowed to have sodium or potassium, or people who suffer from osteoporosis, Alka® Tabs Calcium is a good choice. Alka® Tabs Magnesium consists of magnesium carbonate in pure form. The tablet dissolves in the intestines and enters the blood through the intestinal wall. There, by reaction with carbonic acid, the magnesium carbonate is converted into magnesium bicarbonate, whereby the basic buffers are increased. Pure ionized magnesium is also added to the body. Alka® Tabs Magnesium is a good choice for stress, muscle complaints or insomnia.

  • When do I use the combination of Alka® Tabs Magnesium and Alka® Drops?

    People with sleeping problems, muscle complaints or stress can use the Alka® Tabs Magnesium in combination with Alka® Drops.

  • I already use magnesium supplement. Can I use Alka® Tabs Magnesium with that?

    Alka® Tabs Magnesium has a double effect. This de-acidifies the body and adds pure ionized magnesium to the body. This can be used in addition to another form of magnesium

  • Which of the three types of tablets is the best deacidifying agent? Alka® Tabs Calcium, Alka® Tabs Magnesium or Alka® Tabs Original?

    It doesn't matter which shape you choose. The deacidifying effect of all 3 types is the same. The composition is different because some people prefer to get more calcium or magnesium. If you would like to know which tablet suits you best, please contact our coaches.

  • Can children use Alka® Tabs Magnesium?

    Children from 12 years are allowed 1 Alka® Tabs Magnesium per day.

  • Can you use Alka® Tabs Magnesium permanently or do you need to take a break now and then?

    Acidification and deacidification is a continuous process. You can permanently deacidify. When the symptoms improve, you can keep a lower dose.

  • How does a good combination of Alka® Tabs Magnesium and Alka® Drops looks like?

    2 or 3 glasses of water with alkaline drops in combination with 2 or 3 tablets of Alka® Tabs Magnesium is a great way to deacidify your body

Alka® Spermidine (9)

  • What does spermidine do?

    Spermidine stimulates an important process in your body, namely autophagy. Autophagy is the body's own ability to clean up cells and get rid of waste products.

  • Which food contains the most spermidine?

    The top 5 foods that contain the most spermidine per 100 grams are:

    1. Wheat germ - 24.3 mg
    2.  Dried soybeans - 20.7 mg
    3. Cheddar (matured for at least 1 year) - 19.9 mg
    4.  Mushrooms - 8.8 mg
    5. Peas - 6.5 mg

  • Which spermidine supplement should I choose?  

    Choose a supplement with special, natural and organically grown buckwheat. This kind of buckwheat is gluten-free and is the highest dosed natural form of spermidine (5 grams per gram). If you cannot find a supplement made from buckwheat, you can use wheat germ extract (this has a spermidine concentration of 1.2 grams per gram), but is not gluten-free. Please avoid synthetic spermidine for your own health.

  • How do I recognize the synthetic form of spermidine which is banned in Europe?

    Often the spermidine supplements with a content of more than 6 mg per gram are synthetic. You can also scan the product label for “trihydrochloride”, this is an indicator that you are looking at the synthetic form of spermidine.  Please avoid synthetic spermidine for your own health.

  • How do I use spermidine supplements?

    Dosage and usage is different for each supplement. Please keep to the instructions on the packaging for safe use.

  • How was spermidine discovered?

    The substance spermidine was first discovered in sperm and that is how the name spermidine was born. However the spermidine used for supplements has nothing to do with sperms.

  • I suffer from gluten allergy can I  take spermidine supplements?

    That is certainly possible, choose supplements based on specially grown, organic buckwheat germs, these are gluten free. The wheat germ extract always contains gluten.

  • Is there a risk to using spermidine supplements?

    Studies show that spermidine supplementation with a plant extract, such as buckwheat and wheat germ, is safe. The safe upper limit for spermidine supplements is set at 6 mg per day. If you are pregnant, taking medication or have medical symptoms, talk to your doctor before starting spermidine supplementation.

  • Why should I take a spermidine supplement when I can also get spermidine through my diet?

    It is difficult to get spermidine through your diet on a daily base, mainly because we do not eat food with a high dose of spermidine every day. Also, due to soil depletion (in non-organic agriculture), there are far fewer nutrients in our food and therefore also less spermidine.

Alka® Tea (9)

  • How can I promote the removal of acids?

    By drinking a few cups of Alka® Tea daily. Herbs have the property of being able to bind acids well, which stimulates drainage. In addition, taking alkaline baths based on Alka® Bath is also very good for the removal of soaked acids from the body.

  • How does Alka® Tea work?

    Alka® Tea helps to remove the waste acids. The elements in the herbs dissolve through their energy, the acidic salts in the body. Alka® Tea has a cleansing effect on the liver, bladder and kidneys.

  • Which herbs are contained in Alka® Tea?

    agrimony, alchemilla, anise, apple, basil, savoury, blackberry leaf, nettle leaves, lemon, lemon zest, wild garlic, dill, tarragon, violet tricolour, yarrow, eucalyptus, fenugreek, raspberry leaf, marigold, green tea, marshmallow root, horsetail, verbena, chamomile cinnamon, caraway fruits, coriander fruits, cloves, curly parsley, turmeric, lovage, lavender, lime blossom, lungwort, male redberry, mate leaves, melissa, meadowsweet, oregano, dandelion root, peppermint leaf, rose, rosemary, sage leaves, celery, narrow plantain, thyme, wheat , fennel, elderberry, silver clove, black pepper.

  • What are the Alka tea bags made of?

    The tea bags are made of unchlorinated filter paper

  • Can you combine Alka® Tea with the other Alka® products?

    Alka® Tea can be used alongside all products. Alka® Tea helps to remove the waste acids.

  • Can children also use Alka® Tea?

    Children from 12 years old may drink 2 cups of Alka® Tea per day

  • Can I use Alka® Tea daily?

    Yes, you can drink Alka® Tea ever day several times.

  • Can I also put Alka® Tea in a thermos?

    You can put 2 Alka® tea bags in a thermos and add 1 litre of boiling water. You can drink from this all day long. With a pack of 100 bags, 50 litres of tea can be made in this way. The longer the tea bags are in it, the stronger the herb extraction will be.

  • How often can I reuse a tea bag?

    As often as you want, only the herbal extraction will get weaker. You can then use the dried herbs to prepare a meal.

Alka® Greens (10)

  • Is Alka® Greens vegan?

    Alka® Greens is vegan.

  • Is Alka® Greens gluten and lactose free?